Improvement of work for many authorities through automated translations
QR translator brings relaxation for authorities.
A lot of foreign citizens understand more easily,
if they can read the information in their own language.
With the QR translator, information can be stored useful and made available
immediately on the application in 27 different languages via the QR translator.
This is created inexpensively and quickly.

Opening times – contact details – contact person – signposts in 27 languages automatically

Make explanations of applications for foreign citizens understandable

Information in 27 Languages
Relief for authorities and offices. QR translator provides documents in 27 languages
Not to understand something often causes a lot of stress and disputes. Foreign fellow citizens are often overwhelmed by understanding the local language or bureaucracy.
QR translator also helps the authorities and offices enormously. Start the text that is to be translated and then attach the QR code to documents, applications, forms or signs.
Simply provide explanations in immigration authorities, residents’ registration offices, registry offices in many languages.
Opening times, information on washrooms, information on parking spaces, instructions for ticket machines, public transport automatically translated and attached to important places via QR code.
Emergency exits, first aid information, escape plans – a lot is easier to understand if the texts is available in other languages with the help of the QR translator.
A lot can go wrong when filling out a application. With automated translations and detail information, forms can be filled out more easily. Attach the QR code and store the information about the document in the QR translator.